Danh sách các Trường du học Nghề, Cao Đẳng Nghề ở Hàn Quốc

Dưới đây là danh sách tất cả các trường du học nghề, trường cao đẳng ở Hàn Quốc hiện nay

Các bạn hãy lựa chọn 1 trường trong danh sách các trường cao đẳng nghề ở Hàn Quốc dưới đây để sang học tập các bạn nhé.

Chú thích: Tên trường – Tỉnh, thành phố trường ở đó (Có trường đại học nhưng có đào tạo cả hệ cao đẳng nghề – Có trường có nhiều cơ sở ở các khu vực khác nhau). Có trường đã đổi tên thì ở dưới có gi cả tên trường mới và cũ.

STT Tên trường Thành phố / Tỉnh / Khu vực
1Suseong CollegeSuseong-gu, Daegu
2Ansung Polytechnic CollegeAnseong, Gyeonggi
3Asan Information and Technology Polytechnic CollegeAsan, South Chungcheong
4Busan Arts CollegeBusan
5Busan College of Information TechnologyBusan
6Busan Kyungsang CollegeBusan
7Busan Polytechnic CollegeBusan
8Byuksung CollegeGimje, North Jeolla
9Catholic Sangji CollegeAndong, North Gyeongsang
10Changwon Polytechnic CollegeChangwon, South Gyeongsang
11Cheju Tourism CollegeBukjeju County, Jeju
12Baekseok College (Trước là Cheonan College of Foreign Studies)Cheonan
13Cheonan National Technical CollegeCheonan, South Chungcheong
14Cheonan Yonam CollegeCheonan, South Chungcheong
15Cheongju Polytechnic CollegeCheongju, North Chungcheong
16Jeonbuk Science College (Trước là Chongin College)eonbuk
17Chongju National College of Science and TechnologyCheongju and
18Choonhae CollegeUlsan
19Christian College of NursingGwangju
20Chuncheon Polytechnic CollegeChuncheon, Gangwon
21Chungbuk Provincial CollegeOkcheon County, North Chungcheong
22Chungkang College of Cultural IndustriesIcheon, Gyeonggi
23Chungnam Provincial CollegeSouth Chungcheong
24Ajou Motor College (Trước là trường Daecheon College)Boryeong
25Daedong CollegeBusan
26Daeduk CollegeDaejeon
27Daegu Health CollegeDaegu Health College
28Daegu Mirae CollegeGyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
29Daegu Polytechnic CollegeDaegu
30Daejeon Health Sciences CollegeDaejeon
31Daejeon Polytechnic CollegeDaejeon
32Daelim CollegeAnyang, Gyeonggi
33Daewon Science CollegeJecheon, North Chungcheong
34Dong-A CollegeYeongam County, South Jeolla
35Dong-Ah Broadcasting CollegeAnseong, Gyeonggi
36Dongju CollegeBusan
37Dongkang CollegeGwangju
38Dongnam Health CollegeSuwon, Gyeonggi
39Dong-Pusan CollegeBusan
40Dong Seoul CollegeSeongnam, Gyeonggi
41Dong-U CollegeSokcho, Gangwon
42Doowon Technical CollegeAnseong, Gyeonggi
43Gachongil CollegeIncheon
44Gangdong CollegeEumseong, North Chungcheong
45Gangneung Yeongdong CollegeGangneung, Gangwon
46Gangwon Provincial CollegeGangneung, Gangwon
47Geochang Polytechnic CollegeGeochang, South Gyeongsang
48Kimcheon Science College (Trước là Gimcheon Science College)Yeongnam
49Gochang Polytechnic CollegeGochang County, North Jeolla
50Gumi Polytechnic CollegeGumi, North Gyeongsang
51Gwangju Polytechnic CollegeGwangju
52Gyeongbuk Provincial CollegeNorth Gyeongsang
53Gyeongnam Provincial Geochang CollegeSouth Gyeongsang
54Gyeongnam Provincial Namhae CollegeSouth Gyeongsang
55Hallym College of Information and IndustryChuncheon, Gangwon
56Hansung Technical CollegeSeoul
57Hanyang Women’s CollegeSeoul
58Hanyeong CollegeYeosu, South Jeolla
59Hongseong Polytechnic CollegeHongseong County, South Chungcheong
60Hyechon CollegeDaejeon
61Hyejeon CollegeHongseong County, South Chungcheong
62Iksan National CollegeIksan, North Jeolla
63Incheon Polytechnic CollegeIncheon
64Inha Technical CollegeIncheon
65JaiNeung CollegeIncheon
66Jecheon Polytechnic CollegeJecheon, North Chungcheong
67Jeonbuk Polytechnic CollegeGimje, North Jeolla
68Jeonju Kijeon Women’s CollegeJeonju, North Jeolla
69Jeonju Technical CollegeJeonju, North Jeolla
70Jeonnam Provincial CollegeDamyang County and Jangheung County, South Jeolla
71Jinju College – JinjuSouth Gyeongsang
72Jinju Health CollegeJinju, South Gyeongsang
73Catholic University of Pusan (Trước là Jisan College)Busan
74Juseong CollegeCheongwon County, North Chungcheong
75Kangwon Tourism CollegeTaebaek, Gangwon
76Kaya UniversityGoryeong, North Gyeongsang and Gimhae, South Gyeongsang
77Keimyung CollegeDaegu
78Keukdong CollegeEumseong County, North Chungcheong
79Kimcheon Science CollegeGimcheon, North Gyeongsang
80Kimpo CollegeGimpo, Gyeonggi
81Koje CollegeGeoje, South Gyeonsang
82Kongju Communication Arts CollegeGongju, South Chungcheong
83Korea National College of Rehabilitation and WelfarePyeongtaek, Gyeonggi
84Korea National Railroad CollegeUiwang, Gyeonggi
85Korea Tourism CollegeIcheon, Gyeonggig
86Kunjang CollegeGunsan, North Jeolla
87Kunsan College of NursingGunsan, North Jeolla
88Kwangju Polytechnic CollegeGwangju
89Kwangyang Health CollegeGwangyang, South Jeolla
90Kyongbuk College of ScienceChilgok County, North Gyeongsang
91Kyungbuk CollegeYeongju, North Gyeongsang
92Kyungbuk Foreign Language Techno CollegeGyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
93Kyungdong College of Techno-InformationGyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
94Kyungin Women’s CollegeIncheon
95Kyungmin CollegeUijeongbu, Gyeonggi
96Kyungmoon CollegePyeongtaek, Gyeonggi
97Kyungnam College of Information and TechnologyBusan
98Kyungwon CollegeSeongnam, Gyeonggi
99Mokpo Polytechnic CollegeMokpo, South Jeolla
100Mun Kyung CollegeMungyeong, North Gyeongsang
101Naju CollegeNaju, South Jeolla
102National Medical Center College of NursingSeoul
103Pohang CollegePohang, North Gyeongsang
104Presbyterian College and Theological SeminarySeoul
105Pusan Arts CollegeBusan
106Pusan Women’s CollegeBusan
107Red Cross College of NursingSeoul
108Saekyung CollegeYeongwol County, Gangwon
109Seongnam Polytechnic CollegeSeongnam, Gyeonggi
110Seoul Health CollegeSeongnam, Gyeonggi
111Seoul IT Polytechnic CollegeSeoul
112Seoul-Jeongsu Polytechnic CollegeSeoul
113Seoul Women’s College of NursingSeoul
114Shingu CollegeSeongnam, Gyeonggi
115Shinheung CollegeUijeongbu, Gyeonggi
116Sohae CollegeGunsan, North Jeolla
117Songho CollegeHoengseong County, Gangwon
118Soong Eui Women’s CollegeSeoul
119Sorabol CollegeGyeongju, North Gyeongsang
120Suncheon Cheongam CollegeSuncheon, South Jeolla
121Suncheon First CollegeSuncheon, South Jeolla
122Sung-duk CollegeYeongcheon, North Gyeongsang
123Sunghwa CollegeGangjin County, South Jeolla
124Suwon Science CollegeHwaseong, Gyeonggi
125Suwon Women’s CollegeSuwon
126Taegu Science CollegeDaegu
127Ulsan CollegeUlsan
128Wonju National CollegeWonju, Gangwon
129Wonkwang Health Science CollegeIksan, North Jeolla
130Woongji Accounting & Tax CollegePaju, Gyeonggi
131Woosong Information CollegeDaejeon
132Woosong Technical CollegeDaejeon
133Yangsan CollegeYangsan, South Gyeongsang
134Yeungjin CollegeDaegu
135Yeungnam College of Science and TechnologyDaegu
136Yong-in Songdam CollegeYongin, Gyeonggi
137Youngnam Theological College and SeminaryGyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
138Yuhan CollegeBucheon, Gyeonggi
139Agricultural Cooperative CollegeGoyang, Gyeonggi
140Ajou Motor CollegeBoryeong, South Chungcheong
141Andong Science CollegeAndong, North Gyeongsang

Chú ý: Để xem chi tiết trường đó địa chỉ cụ thể, số điện thoại liên lạc, mail của trường, các hoạt động, học phí… thì các bạn hãy copy tên trường và tìm kiếm trên google sau đó vào trang web của trường thì sẽ có các thông tin đầy đủ và chi tiết hơn về trường đó. Trên đây là danh sách tất cả các trường du học nghề, trường cao đẳng ở Hàn Quốc cập nhập với nhất.

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